The fun stuff! If you have any concerns about Glass Bulldog's privacy policy please get in touch
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Glass Bulldog uses data where essential in providing a service or to better understand our audience. Our policy is the same as our sister company "K Graphic Design".
We use contact information to communicate with our customers. We never share this information with third parties. We do not add you to any mailing lists and we will not contact you without request. The only exception to this rule is if requested by law.
Unless requested otherwise, we do not seek permission to keep such data - we receive your contact details when you when you fill in our online form (or email or phone with an enquiry). Any contact information we use is password protected, accessible only by only the owner of Glass Bulldog, Kate.
Much like most websites, we view statistics using cookies and google analytics. We do not store that information. Cookies are little trackers that enable us to better understand our website’s users, enabling us to offer the best experience possible. Data may be collected about the type of device you use to browse our site and depending on your device this may include your location.
To summarise, your data is primarily used for contact, record keeping and to help us understand our wedding stationery clients. Our intention is to use any records we have to improve the client experience. If you would like more information about any of the above please email